Showing: 1 - 4 of 17 RESULTS

The Highway Of Blue Dereliction

Oregon happens to be one of the deep blue states. It was so beautiful when we first moved here. The most recent election made it possible for all hard drugs to be legal in this state. The eventual consequence would be more of this. Homelessness is rampant in OR because …

Lenten Rose

I woke up thinking about the purple heart this morning as we are all soldiers in a spiritual battle. Anyone who is baptized in Christ cannot opt out of this battle, the one against false apostles (2 Corinthians 11, Jude). “And I will keep on doing what I am doing …

Good News Bad News

Good news. The flowers are blooming on some trees. The not so good news is that for the professing Christians who claim to have prayed to God to give them peace about voting in the people who were up front about forwarding this agenda, I am sorry to be the …

Don’t Ignore The Signs

We headed to a small town called Mt. Angel yesterday. It was such a beautiful day and I was happy to see some flower trees budding. However, the most glaring detail that was hard to ignore was the stature of the fallen trees. The anomaly that happened almost 2 weeks …