Showing: 29 - 31 of 31 RESULTS

Sunset & Horses

I messed up today! I left the house without the SD card on my camera so I ended up taking pictures with my phone. It’s pretty much still coat weather over here, but I ended up using this fan to cover up the sun from getting in my eyes as …

The Bright Colors Of Anarchy

In memory of those whose lives were needlessly lost, by the very hands of the ‘just’ who make provisions for violence as a valid means to be heard. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as …

The Man On The Pedestal

People tend to put people on pedestals for a host of reasons and when we do find something about them that doesn’t align with our perceived notions, we end up being disappointed. The stigma of failure is even worse especially if it’s coming from a spiritual leader who appears to …