Showing: 1 - 4 of 24 RESULTS

Hues & Blues

We just passed through a heat wave. The temperatures hit over 110 degrees here over the past few days and thankfully, it’s over for now. The best thing to do was just stay in the house which worked out since my main computer needed to get fixed anyway. It stopped …

Miscellaneous Metaphors

You can see tiny plant parasites dwelling in it. While it appears harmless and non-threatening to the growing plant, the hidden parasites continue to wreak havoc day by day, until the leaves are all chewed up. Have you ever gone cherry picking? I haven’t, literally.  Cherry picking what to believe …

Last Night’s Strawberry Moon

This documentation starts two days before. I was in the backyard when the moon looked almost nestled in the clouds. We were on our evening walk at the park. We were heading back to the car and it looked almost full already. Last night, I was looking for the moon …