Showing: 5 - 8 of 25 RESULTS

Scrub Jay & Sparrow At Sunset

Such a cute little sparrow! They never have to worry. There’s provision all over the place. I harvested some cornflower seeds earlier today. Nature watching is a much better activity than saturating ourselves with talks of the hypocritical mandates that leaders exempt themselves and knowing that some professing Christians in …

Seasonal Blue Moon

Though last night’s full moon looked like most I’ve seen before, I especially liked the colors that appeared in the night sky. What Is a Blue Moon? There are two different definitions for a Blue Moon. A seasonal Blue Moon is the third Full Moon of an astronomical season that …

Backyard Regular

Just wanted to share a short clip of the kawaii creature that God uses to bring joy to people’s backyards. Duration: 1:22 min. Enjoy! “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 If the …

Training Wolves Via Subversion

This video clip is exactly 1 minute. The bumblebee pollinates the Autumn Beauty Sunflower. More seeds can be expected. For other sunflower varieties, the seeds can be eaten by both man and birds. It can also produce sunflower oil. Best of all, it can be planted to grow more sunflowers. …