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Training Wolves Via Subversion

This video clip is exactly 1 minute. The bumblebee pollinates the Autumn Beauty Sunflower. More seeds can be expected. For other sunflower varieties, the seeds can be eaten by both man and birds. It can also produce sunflower oil. Best of all, it can be planted to grow more sunflowers. …

Pears & Visitors Today

The weather has been brutal lately so I was hoping the temperature was cooler outside. I was intent on taking a picture of the sunflower with the bumblebee. The sun barely came out today. The little visitor usually comes early in the morning. I have no idea if this is …

Yesterday & Today

Yay! A few Cornflowers (Bachelor Buttons) finally started to bloom today! It wasn’t too long ago when a squirrel buried them up where I literally had to find the seedlings carefully, hoping the roots were intact and thankfully they were to make it to this flowering stage. I was especially …