Showing: 41 - 44 of 44 RESULTS

Eternal Security

Eternal Security is tied to the character of the One who gave the promise of Eternal Life. I rest in the fact that the security of my salvation is not based on my performance, but rather the work of the Holy Spirit in me. “And I am sure of this, …

A Call To Answer

I would like to thank Patrick of for taking the time to read my post and give his refutation. Below is my response to his post. This is a bit lengthy. In Patrick’s post, he says “The Catholic Church was the one, who, under the inspiration of the Holy …

The Dreaded “D” Word

By observation from several professing Christians I have encountered in WP, I have come to the conclusion that devil, death, and deceiver pale in comparison with “doctrine” to be cringed when spoken of. I do not question some have truly given their lives to Jesus. However, it is headscratching when …

Who Is Your Teacher?

To anyone who adheres to Sola Scriptura, they have gotten it right. Jesus typified this for us when He repeatedly said, “It is written” to thwart the adversary in the wilderness. The Bible is the sole authority when it comes to Christian doctrine. However, the works of the framers of …