Showing: 1 - 4 of 5 RESULTS

Literal Metaphorical Statement

These things are everywhere. If microbes are microscopic, you think cotton cloth masks will really save your life from something you can’t see? Their suggestion is not only scientifically inconsistent. It is logically inconsistent. On the other hand, we can read this with the underlying intent. It suggests that friendships …

Dark Winter & The Blanket Of Ice

It hasn’t snowed in OR yet, so I am going retrograde with the photos. This was taken four days shy of being a year ago by Silver Falls. It is quite a fitting depiction for the coming blanket of ice that is going to envelop every tree when their promised …

Inviting Weeds

You’d think a plant is just like any plant until you find out more about it. Can you believe these blackberries (Himalayan Blackberries) are considered invasive plants? According to the WA State Noxious Weed Control Board verbatim, “It is a notorious invasive species in many countries around the world and …

The Specter That Is Called Truth

Went out for an early morning drive to take pictures of the dark-hued, late bloomer Cherry blossoms. Sadly, the weather was not that permitting for me to take pictures and secondly, I wore the wrong shoes yet again, suede flats on freshly cut dewy grass. In actuality, I did not …