Showing: 105 - 108 of 236 RESULTS

Cooties & Covid Anti-vaxxers

I’m not much into celebs, but Cancel Culture is an equal opportunity afflicter. This pretty much shows that the America we used to know is operating like China where there’s no room for dissent. It appears that any celebrity who chooses to go against the narrative gets canned and/or shamed. …

Waiting For The Last Leaf

“There is a time for everything,     and a season for every activity under the heavens: 2  a time to be born and a time to die,     a time to plant and a time to uproot…” Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 The last sunflower is spent and the birds came by to enjoy the …

Rack, Shack & Ego

Since the first of this month, I’ve been going with the theme of one year later posts. This would be my first time doing this for three *almost* consecutive days. Today marks a year after the most divisive and disputed election in US history. Below is a snippet from the …

Today @ The Intersection

Our spiritual freedom was paid for by blood and the freedoms we now hold cost the lives of brave men. Pay close attention to the land down under and other countries imposing strict mandates. We see the spirit of the Antichrist at work. They are possible key players in yielding …