Showing: 93 - 96 of 113 RESULTS

The Illustrated Book Of Sayings: Review

It is what it is, literally, The Illustrated Book Of Sayings, a fun and whimsical take on learning about other cultures and expressions that are nuggets of wisdom with some pop culture. The sayings are from countries around the world in their native languages where if literally translated word for …

Suspended Yet Living & Breathing

Let me borrow a stanza from Paula Cole’s “I Don’t Wanna Wait” simply because it sums up exactly how I’m feeling right now (not the totality of the song but only this particular part). “I don’t want to wait For our lives to be over I want to know right …

The Unpardoned Turkey

Had a Thanksgiving “Linner” (lunch/dinner) today. This unpardoned turkey roasted since 7:45 AM and finished at 1:OO PM and now I am on my way to knock out. Actually rethinking knocking out to taking a walk since it’s still early. No room for dessert. Maybe after walking. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! …

Thoughts On Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving around the corner, I can’t help but get sentimental about a holiday where everyone sits at the table and share a meal though my family practically does this every single day sans the turkey, but Thanksgiving is one celebrated especially with extended family & friends and in movies, …