Showing: 1 - 4 of 5 RESULTS

The Horrors Of Silhouette Writing

In an old post entitled Mea Culpa, I shared my personal preference on avoiding the use of Grammarly. If you’re really curious as to why, you’d need to go to that post. Ghostwriting was the farthest thing on my mind until it was brought to my attention when someone who …

Flyers & Liars

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,     but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 I have not been shy in stating that once I find wolves I will sound the alarm. Here is a clear description of wolves in sheep’s clothing in the words of …

Blessed Suffering

Not all suffering is caused by disobedience. Job was an example of this and all of God’s prophets. Job’s friends made the mistake of assuming that he suffered because of his many unconfessed sins (Job 22:1-11) and God made sure to let them know that that was not the case …

The Illusionist

She preaches humility. With all her good intentions or maybe self-delusion, she goes about writing the most uplifting Christianese message one could possibly write but what’s truly inside a person’s heart comes out and cannot be contained. Her message of humility gets invalidated by the blatant self-promotion that is her …