Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

The Ring

Not talking about the Hollyweird movie here, but a ring that adds to the capability of your current lens. This batch was taken using a reverse ring adapter while the macro images on this previous post used a macro attachment that does not sever the controls to the camera. I …

A Message That Never Dies

I grabbed this picture from a post written in January 2020. It’s funny it has a bird on it too. I had no idea that year was going to be the worst year I would ever experience in my life (I have no plans on being around for the Great …

A Driving Force

Fear, anxiety and worry is a driving force. Will there be war? What’s going to happen tomorrow? Am I going to die? … “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”  Luke 12:25 You’ve tried to make it go away and yet, it lingers. There …