Showing: 197 - 200 of 445 RESULTS

Training Wolves Via Subversion

This video clip is exactly 1 minute. The bumblebee pollinates the Autumn Beauty Sunflower. More seeds can be expected. For other sunflower varieties, the seeds can be eaten by both man and birds. It can also produce sunflower oil. Best of all, it can be planted to grow more sunflowers. …

Think Of Good Things

This is a time lapse without the time lapse. While we were in the kitchen, a few Black-capped Chickadees were scoping out the sunflower seeds. Unfortunately, when they came, I didn’t have my camera. I told my daughter to run and grab it for me and one posed on the …

Traipsing On Dangerous Territory

This morning, the spider waits patiently in its web. It looks quite perfect. The bees can’t resist the sweet stuff. It’s there to be consumed. Alas… Some are not so fortunate. They thought nothing could ever happen to them. In a snap, One got caught into a trap. Just before …

An Ant’s Anthology

Book burning happens to be a communistic/socialistic hallmark. Of course, I would not hurl this assertion without being backed by the annals of history. What is it about books that threaten totalitarian regimes? I just recently received the other project I was working on. It’s a fusion of a scripture …