Showing: 13 - 16 of 73 RESULTS

Closing In On Details

There’s not a shortage of dread in current events and while more and more details continue to emerge about the catalyst to the world’s reset, they are not letting up on telling people and young ones to take it. 65+ happens to be the age demographic where there’s a rise …

Earth Day…

From prioritizing animals over people to the introduction of implantable microchips as forms of payment, we are seeing the descent of the value of human life and dehumanization in general. Believe it or not, it is a major indicator of the end times and proof of the veracity of Bible …

Plumage Patterns On Pensive Little Creatures

This month marks a year since I started looking at birds. Variations and patterns on their plumage and their songs are astounding. “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may …

More Flowers & A Furry Little Friend

My daughter and I were wondering why the flowers were falling. As we looked up, we saw that a squirrel was having its fill. Prior to today, we had no idea that squirrels actually enjoy eating the blooms. These critters bury my flower seedlings, but seeing them eat something other …