Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

Warning Signs

As my family walked through the trail yesterday, we passed through a few of these all over the place. I wasn’t expecting to see a drowning hazard sign in this slough. The water is not quite inviting and there would probably be leeches galore and yet, drowning signs exist because …

Daily & Rare Occurrences

The Rare It appears this is a worldwide phenomenon. I just found out about this today. The rainbow Sun halo occurred here in OR just a little bit over a month ago. My husband and I are in our early forties and we’ve never seen anything like this until this …

Don’t Ignore The Signs

We headed to a small town called Mt. Angel yesterday. It was such a beautiful day and I was happy to see some flower trees budding. However, the most glaring detail that was hard to ignore was the stature of the fallen trees. The anomaly that happened almost 2 weeks …


No blind person, and I mean fully blind, not legally blind, can take pictures. They could handle a camera, but they would need a pair of eyes to direct them where to face in order to get something into the frame. Their perspective would be unique to their condition where …