Showing: 45 - 48 of 87 RESULTS

Training Wolves Via Subversion

This video clip is exactly 1 minute. The bumblebee pollinates the Autumn Beauty Sunflower. More seeds can be expected. For other sunflower varieties, the seeds can be eaten by both man and birds. It can also produce sunflower oil. Best of all, it can be planted to grow more sunflowers. …

What I Believe

I have never taken the time to make a statement of my Christian convictions so here it is… The authority of Scripture – Sola Scriptura on this account – John 8:31b, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” Scripture is the recorded teachings of Jesus Christ. …

Beholding His Glory

This is a scene from yesterday. We don’t worship the sun, but it is used as a symbol of God. Not only is this His symbol, it is prophecy that His glory will be our light at the appointed time. At our current finite state, it is hard for us …