Showing: 257 - 260 of 354 RESULTS

Miscellaneous Metaphors

You can see tiny plant parasites dwelling in it. While it appears harmless and non-threatening to the growing plant, the hidden parasites continue to wreak havoc day by day, until the leaves are all chewed up. Have you ever gone cherry picking? I haven’t, literally.  Cherry picking what to believe …

Girls, Boys & Berries

These are some of the colors we should be celebrating not only this month, but all year long. While I’d rather keep posting about a berry sweet topic, I received a letter in the mail yesterday about the scope of indoctrination that is currently taking place here in the US …

A Berry Tricky Situation

I just realized June is one of my favorite months mainly because of U-Pick. I took too many berry pictures and it becomes confusing when I don’t know which pictures to put, well not entirely. I had to pick my favorites to avoid posting nearly 20 pictures of berries and …