Showing: 705 - 708 of 1,046 RESULTS

As Pretty As Canby

Our most recent destination was Canby, OR. We decided to go to a sheep farm named SuDan Farm, named after its owners Dan and Susie. Susie was gracious and very hospitable to show us around. The most memorable part of the trip was seeing firsthand how little lambs run to …

Kosi R’vaya

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24 Veshavti beveit Adonai …


On Seeds I will not be expecting Zinnias in my garden this year. I decided to directly sow as many seeds as I could (I kept my seedlings indoors last year). For awhile it looked promising. And then something happened. I don’t know exactly what ate ALL of my Zinnia …

Her Name Is Paz

God made our paths cross for a reason. I’m here to tell you that He is not done with you. That time you cried out to Him in faith acknowledging Him as your Savior carries on with eternal security even when your feelings betray you. Stained glass moments can sometimes …