Showing: 9 - 12 of 70 RESULTS

Tropical Tour

We had an eventful day with the extended family. I took more pictures but I’m only sharing my favorites out of all. I knocked out as soon as we got home around 9 PM and now I find myself being awake at midnight. I most likely will take about four …

Kitty Portrait

Yesterday was cat day. We’re not allowed to have cats where we live so the best we could do was visit Willamette Humane Society. They were gracious to take us to the room where the kittens were so we could pet them. What an adorable little creature! My favorite pic …

Walking Through Desolation Park

My husband and I enjoy coffee together in the mornings. I worked at a coffee shop in my younger years but my husband is the one who brews the coffee since he relishes doing so. As I sat opposite him at the kitchen table today, the conversation that transpired was …

Stress For Substance

Whether we like it or not, our social media presence (the only account I have is WP) has become a gauge on how active we are in our day to day life. My inactivity has not been caused by severe depression or something traumatic though I could think of a …