Always On Time

My family decided to go to a snowy mountain yesterday. The view was spectacular but all we could do was take a mental picture. There was absolutely nowhere to stop and park. The moment my husband decided to stop on the side which looked to be leveled, little did he …


That piece of your old self you are desperately holding on to, let it fall to the ground. “He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:30 “Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, …

The Real Crime

I have tried to stay away from reacting to the SOTU address and the blatant display of hypocrisy as women dressed in white cheer for themselves and their accomplishments to their deafening silence when it came to protecting the rights of the unborn (the future women & men of the …

The Dingo & The Babes

The Dingo is a beautiful free-roaming dog commonly found in Australia. I picked the Dingo in this illustration because growing up in the 90’s, “The Dingo ate my baby” had become indelible, thanks to Seinfeld. It makes a fitting metaphor in our Christian walk in the sense that a predator …