Showing: 13 - 16 of 44 RESULTS

Bouquet Of Curses

On a routine trip to Walmart earlier, I was taken aback that for a society that is anti-religion, they actually had this bouquet line-up right at the very entrance of the store. This is the first time I’ve ever witnessed Walmart sell stuff like this. Granted that it is Walmart, …

Mums’ The Word

This Single Apricot Chrysanthemum was taken at the park yesterday. This bunch is not quite there yet. However, most of this bunch couldn’t wait to say hello and add cheer to the world. My most favorite season is Fall, being born in October and all. The Chrysanthemum in my backyard …


What remains of Summer is this Sunflower It’s a multihead and it’s halfway dead For a few seasons what’s seen of this tree is mostly green As each leaf turns into a yellow heart We know full well it’s about to depart… …to the portal of the eternal “To the …

Being Woke Is No Joke

This rainbow was taken yesterday at a town called Independence. I don’t know much about leprechauns, although I will be addressing a figurative and not a literal one in a moment, but if the folklore were true, everyone on this planet could use the pot of gold that the leprechaun …