Showing: 13 - 16 of 46 RESULTS

Bouquet Of Curses

On a routine trip to Walmart earlier, I was taken aback that for a society that is anti-religion, they actually had this bouquet line-up right at the very entrance of the store. This is the first time I’ve ever witnessed Walmart sell stuff like this. Granted that it is Walmart, …

Mama Mia Maria!

Happy to say, that on this day, no dollar was spent on Black Friday! I haven’t thought about my past life—my preconversion life—not the New Age past life kind, in a while until today. During the 90’s, my family used to regularly visit a Marian Vigil site located in Flushing …

Upside Down World

I’m not much into promoting movies, but with how everything is going, it reminds me of the movie Upside Down in a way. As we speak, they are creating two separate worlds—the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. “We observe a full separation between worlds. There has to be no contact with …

Not So Strange Bedfellows

Comrade Biden visits Comrade Bergoglio. This is not quite the big news. Straight from the Vatican website, I saw the ticker highlighting his twitter feed, These old men appear to be exempt from Social Distancing. The mandates only apply to their subjects. This is the beauty about those who hold …