Showing: 9 - 12 of 22 RESULTS

The Yellow Tree

This black bird was perching on the yellow tree at the Walmart parking lot. I just love the contrast. My skin is not quite yellow, but in human race classification, I belong in the yellow race.  This yellow sister decided to put off reacting to a critically ruinous thinking on …

Skip The Third Party Antics

Many people say to vote your convictions. I haven’t encountered someone who actually wrote in Jesus on the ballot, but it means to vote for the platform that promotes biblical values. You think you would still have the freedom to talk about your faith openly if laws were enforced to …

The Things To Come

“While hearing people chant, ‘No hate, No fear,’ I’m suddenly bashed on the back of my head…” Andy Ngo Portland is less than an hour away and it is only just a matter of time to have something like the antifa chaos trickle to neighboring towns. I’m usually an optimist, …