Showing: 9 - 12 of 14 RESULTS

Christianity And Voting

Trying not to get overly political in this voting season is hard but it is *unavoidable. I encountered someone who told me everything is basically rigged in the political realm. It’s something I’ve heard before and while I don’t completely disagree with that, it is only a facet of the …


Have you ever seen Bloodsport? I was barely 10 when I saw the movie and yet, one scene that is indelible was the fight scene towards the end. Something I could not forget was the indignation I felt upon seeing the other guy resorting to dirty tactics, throwing something in …


It is so easy to get riled up on trivial and not so trivial things (especially the ruckus surrounding the Supreme Court justice nominee) but God sees that in this fallen world, justice is reduced to subjectivity. Apart from how things appear to us in this corporeal existence, reality stands …

The Book Of Judges…

It has only been less than a year since Judge Roy Moore and we see the same scenario play over and over with Judge Brett Kavanaugh. I was initially going to just reblog an old post, “Presumption Of Innocence“ about the same thing but changed my mind. It is quite …