Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS

Ignorance Is Bliss

It only took one to bring humanity down. We are entering the era of full saturation. Censorship is just the beginning. The endgame for their racism ‘Social Justice’ and the BLM Movement is ultimately Antisemitism. The Man of Lawlessness Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our …

The Grapes Of Wrath

Would you die for a lie? Ananias and Sapphira never thought they would, but they did, unexpectedly. The same fate befalls people mired in false religion (Christians affirming a lifestyle of homosexuality) when they die. If living a lie (any lie, really) has become your reality, there is one antidote; …

Ipso Facto

This is a post in response to this blog post I have nothing to hide and if you have been following me, I do not pretend to be something I am not and especially not about doctrine. This is as transparent as it can get. If there is a …