Showing: 65 - 68 of 106 RESULTS

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Nearly Over

Without a tripod and the clouds were moving fast in Oregon. Taken 27 minutes before the Partial Lunar eclipse was over, Nov 19 at 2:47:04 AM according to the data in timeanddate. That’s the bald humongous tree in the backyard. 24 minutes before the eclipse ended. I missed the reddish …

Cheer Up!

Runtime: 1:25 There sure are plenty of things to be sad about, but if you happen to be feeling sad today, I hope this little critter will brighten up your day. “Hate evil, O you who love the LORD! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them from …

The Faces Of Freedom Fighters

Runtime: 4:30 This was yesterday’s Rally for Religious Freedom held at Oregon’s State Capitol. It was a very peaceful rally and encouraging that the oppressed are taking a stand for truth and liberty. This movement crosses political party lines. Political ideals are governed by the values people adhere to. Salt …

What Happened Today

Just got home not too long ago. It gets dark pretty early nowadays and this was what happened on our way to the store. All we could see was a man laying on the crosswalk on a busy road. I was standing pretty far away from the scene. This man …