Showing: 17 - 20 of 28 RESULTS

Stranger Things

Everything looks bright and beautiful, but behind the scenes are chaos and disorder. While we attend to things just like any normal day, the fact remains that we have but a short time. From strange weather all over the globe… (Runtime < 13:00) To ramping up Christian persecution coming to …


  Every prophecy revealed in Scripture has come true. There are still prophecies to be fulfilled and we are seeing some being fulfilled in our present time – birth pangs which include wars and rumors of war and extreme weather all over the globe. We are promised a blessing when …

Birth Pangs & Climate Change

I don’t know if it has hit your local grocery stores yet, but plastic bags are practically being banned where we shop for food. It sure is an inconvenience having to now pay for paper bags to carry what you just bought since they have been essentially free for decades! …

Focal Point

“While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3 This is a gripping and interesting photo since the event description perfectly matches Scripture. Can this truly lead …