Showing: 9 - 12 of 25 RESULTS

Truffles For Your Troubles

Valentine’s Day is just like any other day in this household. The only difference is the presence of chocolates. I’ve never been to Bulgaria, but I like how their truffles taste. The Dollar Tree started to carry them a few weeks ago leading up to today. I wish they sold …

Seven, Snow And Felled Trees

It snowed here last night. It blanketed the trees with heavy icicles that a lot of branches broke off and in some extreme cases, broke the tree in half! I’ve never seen this before in my four decades of existence. We woke up with no electricity so we drove by …

Kitty Portrait

Yesterday was cat day. We’re not allowed to have cats where we live so the best we could do was visit Willamette Humane Society. They were gracious to take us to the room where the kittens were so we could pet them. What an adorable little creature! My favorite pic …

DIY Photo Book Binding

I have just completed my first DIY photo/devotional book-binding project. This partially explains my disappearance on WP. I’m not moved to do a step-by-step post on the entire process since I’m a novice when it comes to these things. I’m happy with how it turned out. I felt compelled to …