Showing: 9 - 11 of 11 RESULTS

Disillusionment Is A Choice

It snowed yesterday. The rose garden at Bush’s Pasture Park is enveloped in white. This post is geared to my Conservative Christian brothers and sisters. In just seven days… 1) We witnessed our country being dedicated to a pagan god, “the strong name of our ‘collective’ faith” during Inauguration day. …

Always On Time

My family decided to go to a snowy mountain yesterday. The view was spectacular but all we could do was take a mental picture. There was absolutely nowhere to stop and park. The moment my husband decided to stop on the side which looked to be leveled, little did he …

One Dreary Day

It’s snowing today. It looks quite dreary and miserable but one little critter made my day. Woke up at 4 AM and was never able to go back to sleep. I suppose going to a Chinese Buffet the night before does that to you. We are still trying places to …