Showing: 81 - 84 of 87 RESULTS

The Carnal Consequence

We all have our carnal moments every once in a while and that is courtesy of being confined in a sin body. While stumbling is inevitable, carnality on the other hand is stumbling in a greater degree. It is a willful and prolonged act of living in disobedience. What is …

Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (RSVP)

One of your best friends sends you a wedding invitation. The instance you were handed one meant you were chosen to go. If it weren’t so, you would have gotten nothing. You made it on the RSVP list but it’s still up to you to go or forgo depending on …

Seek Direct Exposure From The Son

Should believers tolerate opening the door to false prophets for the sake of dialogue? It’s one thing when a person gets on a one on one dialogue. It’s another when we bring in someone who is false in an audience where we endanger and expose a believer who is not …

Eternal Security

Eternal Security is tied to the character of the One who gave the promise of Eternal Life. I rest in the fact that the security of my salvation is not based on my performance, but rather the work of the Holy Spirit in me. “And I am sure of this, …