Showing: 29 - 32 of 87 RESULTS

Bouquet Of Curses

On a routine trip to Walmart earlier, I was taken aback that for a society that is anti-religion, they actually had this bouquet line-up right at the very entrance of the store. This is the first time I’ve ever witnessed Walmart sell stuff like this. Granted that it is Walmart, …

Dearth Of Discernment

While I won’t make any pronouncement that those who got vaccinated are lost forever (some were deceived and capitulated to the propaganda of fear and got it hastily or didn’t do their own research), it brings us to another question… What makes the professing Christians who took the vaccine in …

Church Of The Living Dead

The Bible is filled with warnings. While in this life, we can get burned in our dealings with people, God’s desire is that we do not walk in fellowship with the living dead. It is a fact that most new converts believe that everyone who professes Jesus are Christians. I …

Thoughts Of Shrimp & Pork

This may be considered as an A-Bomb for some, but Christians who purposely abstain from certain foods as a religious practice are practicing demonic doctrine—something as serious as departing from sound doctrine! This is not a matter of opinion. The Great Apostasy Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter …