Showing: 257 - 260 of 687 RESULTS

The Infinity Intrigue

The possibilities sure seem endless and that is the pitch. The move is to get people as far from reality as possible to a beautiful illusion. I last talked about The 100 in 2019. It is beginning to look like their contingency plan than fiction about their escape to space. …

Starling Darlings & Accursed Things

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” Exodus 20:17 NIV Something may be presented to us as a temptation, but a temptation does not automatically become …

The House

Dark skies is pretty typical in the Northwest at this time of year. Yesterday was mostly blue. “Hear this, you leaders of Jacob,     you rulers of Israel, who despise justice     and distort all that is right; 10 who build Zion with bloodshed,     and Jerusalem with wickedness. 11 Her leaders judge for a …

Scenes & Shelves

On the way to Sherwood yesterday, I spotted about five raptors perched by the highway. Every single time, I wished my husband could just do a quick stop on the shoulder so I could take a footage. We couldn’t stop unfortunately, but we went by the highway again today. The …