Showing: 93 - 96 of 252 RESULTS

Modern-Day Pharisees

If we pay close attention to what the Pharisees do, it becomes easier to identify who the modern-day Pharisees are. “He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ 3 and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky …

Trends & Ends

This research from Barna Group shows us the scope of the hit on the body of Christ that this planned-demic has partially achieved. This decline is solid proof of the veracity of Bible Prophecy. Hopefully, some of those who are leaving the ministry do not end up completely apostatizing. “They …

The Faces Of Freedom Fighters

Runtime: 4:30 This was yesterday’s Rally for Religious Freedom held at Oregon’s State Capitol. It was a very peaceful rally and encouraging that the oppressed are taking a stand for truth and liberty. This movement crosses political party lines. Political ideals are governed by the values people adhere to. Salt …

Fit For A “Broad”way Play

A rendition of this biblical account would be interesting to watch on stage. It is one about the events leading up to the beheading of John the Baptist. “For Herod himself had given orders to have John arrested, and he had him bound and put in prison. He did this …