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Newbs (new believers) and veterans are on equal standing when it comes to God’s grace. It is this way so that no one can boast about their works (Ephesians 2:8-9).


On Seeds I will not be expecting Zinnias in my garden this year. I decided to directly sow as many seeds as I could (I kept my seedlings indoors last year). For awhile it looked promising. And then something happened. I don’t know exactly what ate ALL of my Zinnia …

My Backyard Flowers

I apologize for over posting about sunflowers. I really do love them. I get a new bloom every week and it’s like seeing a new smile in the backyard. I prematurely ruled out my Zinnias to be a total disaster on a previous post but I have pruned the affected …

Blooming, Finally

After months of waiting, I finally have some sunflowers bloom since I sowed them in April. This is the only flower that looks completely open, not mature, but open. I am happy and yet sad to see that despite my attempts to ward off the bugs, they keep feasting on …