Showing: 9 - 12 of 136 RESULTS

What In The World?

We passed through a school with an interesting name today. It was Philander Lee Elementary School. …All I thought when I saw it was who in the world would name their kid Philander (philanderer)??? I know, it’s just the name of a school, but there’s so much to a name. I’m …

The Book Of Judges…

It has only been less than a year since Judge Roy Moore and we see the same scenario play over and over with Judge Brett Kavanaugh. I was initially going to just reblog an old post, “Presumption Of Innocence“ about the same thing but changed my mind. It is quite …

Celestial Spectacle

Off the bat, I’m not a doomsday date setter. For one, it is unbiblical (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32) and two, the stigma coupled with what awaits a false prophet is far too great (Matthew 7:15, Ezekiel 13:9). I do have a fascination with celestial occurrences which can be traced back …

Blooming, Finally

After months of waiting, I finally have some sunflowers bloom since I sowed them in April. This is the only flower that looks completely open, not mature, but open. I am happy and yet sad to see that despite my attempts to ward off the bugs, they keep feasting on …