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We can read something from Scripture at any given day but sometimes its reality does not hit home until we see it close enough. The Word of God is written plainly for anyone to understand. However, Jesus is clear that understanding is hidden and will be revealed only to those …

The Coming Spiritual Summer

We went to visit Detroit Lake dam yesterday. My son asked my husband a question about what would happen if the dam broke. Naturally, the unrestrained flow of force would destroy everything in its path just like the destruction caused by all the flooding that is currently happening in other …

Time & Tide

Following current events can be suffocating. Witnessing the ever rising tide of anti-Christian intolerance is a herald of what is to come, not to mention the protests and civil unrest in European nations which is gaining ground even in Canada. Quelle heure est-il?   “For the mystery of lawlessness is …

30 Seconds To Midnight Some theologians wonder why America is obscured in End Time Prophecy. Some say America might suffer a debilitating blow and lose its influence on the World’s Stage, or maybe it’s because of a 3-state unification of America, Canada & Mexico that it becomes something else? Truly, only time will …