Showing: 113 - 116 of 215 RESULTS


Do not put your trust in this man’s hands, who can easily say one thing and does another. In the old world, we call that mentira. Comrade Biden gets the shoogahwattah today. His aging body apparently can handle the potency of this “lifesaver” compared to 16-year olds who are suffering …

Colors & Current

Today marks the second day of Fall. The pastel reflections make it interesting at this time. In just a week or two, it will transition to warmer colors of amber and burgundy. It’s not an escapist thing to choose to dwell on the good things rather than the fact that …

Season & Sequence

These are all scenes of today which happens to be the first day of Fall. This is a macro of a sunflower head. Looking at the seeds, it is arranged in such a way that is precise and perfectly aligned. Our Creator is this precise—from the sequence all the way …

Eye Of The Beholder

We are surrounded by beauty in various forms and in different colors from people to flowers… depending on the eyes—of the beholder that is—your eyesight and your insight… …even something beautiful can be considered otherwise. Our uniqueness and distinction can become the very ground for our extinction (Matthew 24:9). In …