Showing: 25 - 28 of 57 RESULTS

Pears & Visitors Today

The weather has been brutal lately so I was hoping the temperature was cooler outside. I was intent on taking a picture of the sunflower with the bumblebee. The sun barely came out today. The little visitor usually comes early in the morning. I have no idea if this is …

A Day In The Life Of A Sunflower

Out of all the sunflowers I planted this year, this is the first bloomer. This was taken yesterday. I have no idea what is up this year, but most are beginning to bud now and they are short and stunted. The seeds did not come from a dwarf cultivar. You …

Yesterday & Today

Yay! A few Cornflowers (Bachelor Buttons) finally started to bloom today! It wasn’t too long ago when a squirrel buried them up where I literally had to find the seedlings carefully, hoping the roots were intact and thankfully they were to make it to this flowering stage. I was especially …

The “Red Sea” Of Poppy Flowers

We all could use a red sea moment at some point in our lives. Just days ago, I was intent on finding a poppy field. I found a blue sea of flowers that day. The red field was yet for an appointed time. The search wasn’t going to be long, …