Showing: 5 - 8 of 8 RESULTS

Life As It Should Be Known

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 I have been avoiding talking about the outcome of the election. The first thing I found myself doing after knowing the mainstream media already called it was buy a zoom lens. Whether the president wins (and even people …

Crackdown On Christianity

“Now under the Equality Act, we would have a nationwide law so we will see a proliferation of instances where Christians and others are being coerced to violate their beliefs in order to comply with such a law.” If you have time, watch the 10-minute clip about a bill that …

Little Did I Know

Lately, I have been compelled to write more about spiritual things. I had been living a complacent life here and there but God woke me up from my slumber. This happened several months ago. Since I was little, I always had a passion for languages. God knows this about me …

Kissing our Freedoms Goodbye

Today we commemorate Independence Day and we value the freedoms afforded us by the Constitution of the United States of America but recent events herald the onset of religious persecution and paints a completely different picture, a country where you are no longer tolerated to be proud of what you …