Showing: 5 - 8 of 9 RESULTS

Out Of This World

Even when barren, the rose plant is a sight Before me was this amber delight As the day transitions to night Across the street Just about a hundred feet Was a treat just as sweet “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is …

Praying This Promise

Oregon is Oregon. It rains nonstop around this time. There are some bright and sunny days here and there, so when it’s beautiful out, I take as many pictures as I can to make up for wet and dreary days like today. Maybe the sun will come out by the …

Hickory Smoked Yellow Saturday

It’s been days now since the wildfires and the air quality is still poor. The skies have a yellowish tint today. Not only that, minutes of standing outside makes me smell like a Hickory-smoked human when I go inside the house. The atmosphere still feels ominous and we are all …

The High Calling

“Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!” John 1:47 What an awesome thing to get a compliment from the Son of God! Nathanael was commended for his integrity. Our testimonies bear witness to the wretched lives we used …