Showing: 5 - 7 of 7 RESULTS

The Race

Prior to my encounter with Jesus Christ, I’ve had my share of dealing with manipulative and toxic people being in a codependent relationship. It was a very very miserable time in my life but it became an integral part in reaching the end of myself and finding Jesus. There are …

The Lonely

You did not ask for it, but it’s there. It will not go away until you deal with it. There are many ways to go about it. Only one path will lead you to your purpose. And yes, you have one, even though you deny it. It’s the reason why …

Song: I Love You

I am not promoting everything from this band since I have not checked it out but I admit there are plenty of songs I need to add to my playlist and this song is one of them. One Sonic Society – Love Song (feat. Elle Limebear) You are real to …