Showing: 21 - 24 of 24 RESULTS

The Reason

While going to pick up my husband from work almost two weeks ago, someone rear-ended me. I was fully stopped waiting for the car on the opposite side of the road to pass so I could turn left. Suddenly, it felt like a huge boulder hit the back of the …

A Testimony Like No Other

Someone dear to me once said the Bible was written by mere men and therefore has a hard time believing it to be the Word of God. A half truth is exactly just that, half of the whole picture and if we were to take what one person says that …

The Magic Of Motherhood

An unadulterated collective memoir, “The Magic Of Motherhood” is filled with witty and endearing accounts of the highs and lows of motherhood from the writers of Coffee + Crumbs, 10 different contributors. The narratives have catchy titles sure to pique interest should one decide to read the book in segments. …

Awake, O Sleeper: A Story of Redemption

My conversion began when I had this dream circa 2001. I dreamt that I was in a room full of relatives, myself being singled out and pushed into the corner with no way out. I remember them rebuking me about why I have betrayed the faith, until one of them …