Showing: 5 - 7 of 7 RESULTS

Little Did I Know

Lately, I have been compelled to write more about spiritual things. I had been living a complacent life here and there but God woke me up from my slumber. This happened several months ago. Since I was little, I always had a passion for languages. God knows this about me …

Eternal Solace

“Mommy, why is it that when I took the medicine, I’m just getting worse?” My daughter asked me this the other day. She caught a cold but God has been so good in blessing us with good health. When my family first moved to Oregon, both my children got really …

Walking Through Desolation Park

My husband and I enjoy coffee together in the mornings. I worked at a coffee shop in my younger years but my husband is the one who brews the coffee since he relishes doing so. As I sat opposite him at the kitchen table today, the conversation that transpired was …