Showing: 185 - 188 of 564 RESULTS

The Waning Influence

“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” Amos 3:3 NKJV We live in a generation that deems patriotism as an offense yet at the same time promotes that there is no such thing as sin. This dollar coin is a year short of being 100 years old. It is …

On Death & Newness of Life

Righteous people are dying left and right from Dr. Ed Hindson to Dr. Zelenko, but for every believer in Jesus Christ, it is only a gateway to everlasting life. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal …


My “self-censorship” has been due to an Amigurumi craze. Overturning decades of sanctioned shedding of innocent blood on the federal level is definitely good news, but the celebration is short-lived as evil seeks to capitalize on the occasion to foment more chaos. Portland is known for activists vandalizing property in …

A Sunny Disposition

The world may be getting crazier by the minute, but we don’t have to join in and drag our kids to enjoy “kid-friendly” drag shows and subject them to enigma death concoctions. Stop the abuse. There are predators lurking everywhere. Interestingly, this raptor showed up just as we were leaving …