A Testimony Like No Other

Someone dear to me once said the Bible was written by mere men and therefore has a hard time believing it to be the Word of God. A half truth is exactly just that, half of the whole picture and if we were to take what one person says that …

Stress For Substance

Whether we like it or not, our social media presence (the only account I have is WP) has become a gauge on how active we are in our day to day life. My inactivity has not been caused by severe depression or something traumatic though I could think of a …

A Refining Moment

Some lives may seem better than others but each of us has an appointed time for testing. If only life were meant to be a walk in the park… “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. …

Fall Fancies

Fall Just my most favorite season out of all and the leaves are definitely turning colors. Who can resist the warm colors of Amber, Rust, Mustard, Camel, Plum, Burgundy etc. Not just really about the colors but more about cooler but not frigid temperatures and although today is projected to …