Showing: 349 - 352 of 393 RESULTS

Will Your Roots Hold Fast?

Plant metaphors pervade my thoughts lately so I hope you bear with me. As I looked through the glass door over to my plants yesterday, I can’t help but notice how dangerously low one bent due to the strong winds. It looked almost as if it would break. I was …

The Burden Of Waiting

Rarely does it ever occur where we sow seeds and expect to see something happen overnight. Most seeds are encased in a hard shell which takes time to soften for the new life inside to burst out into the open. Some takes a week to germinate, some two and other …

Who Is Your Teacher?

To anyone who adheres to Sola Scriptura, they have gotten it right. Jesus typified this for us when He repeatedly said, “It is written” to thwart the adversary in the wilderness. The Bible is the sole authority when it comes to Christian doctrine. However, the works of the framers of …


As Christians, there’s one kind of rumor that we should find ourselves paying close attention to. I’m not talking about the soap opera kind but the one Jesus told us in advance in Matthew 24:6-8, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you …