Showing: 689 - 692 of 1,054 RESULTS

Envy: Rottenness To The Bones

Some enjoy being the object of someone’s envy. People have different motivations as to why. It could be to make up for something that’s lacking or it could be to feed an insatiable appetite for people’s admiration. Whatever it is, this four letter word is packed with such strong emotions …


  Every prophecy revealed in Scripture has come true. There are still prophecies to be fulfilled and we are seeing some being fulfilled in our present time – birth pangs which include wars and rumors of war and extreme weather all over the globe. We are promised a blessing when …

Not Quite There Yet

The moment we put our faith in Jesus, it starts out like a seed planted into the ground. It takes a lot of time for it to mature. Some are consistent. Some are stunted. Some succumb to the weather. Some look completely dead but come back alive. That is the …

Words & Actions

It has been busy around the area today. There was an Iris street parade which happened in the middle of the day. It practically grounded us at home and we waited until it was over to go out. There was also a peaceful Pro-life protest here in Salem. We stayed …