Showing: 13 - 16 of 17 RESULTS

Stardate 02.08

It appears the skies continue to weep for the fifth consecutive day now. Aside from the natural order of evaporation and precipitation, it weeps for the tumultuous social and spiritual climate of this country, one clearly entrenched in division, of bitter calumny and the refusal to work together and move …

Depression = DEmonic opPRESSION

I am not exempt from feeling down and depressed and today is definitely one of those days. First off, I think what I’m feeling is possibly weather related because it has been gray and raining ALL week! It sucks!!! I have been wanting to take my kids out to skate. …

Dinner Is Served

Today happens to be the seventh anniversary of when I became a mother for the second time. The last thing I ever envisioned in this life was to be one. I saw myself belonging to a band of gypsies, traveling wherever the road leads and pitching somewhere for a time …