Showing: 1 - 4 of 16 RESULTS

A Disappearing Act

It makes it much easier to abandon the blog when my computer decides to go on repeated connectivity problems. For some days, I was trying to retrieve files from a computer which had a project (a book of birds entitled LOOK UP: Staying Faithful In The Midst of A Dystopia) …

A Perennial Fact

Oh this beautiful Strawberry flower! Given time, we expect it to mature and become a fruit. Alas! What looks promising may actually be cut off. He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the …

A Perennial Closeup

There is something good about this plant. Its leaves are green. Under scrutiny, we can see the dust and particles that are pretty much unwanted specks on this picture. My first instinct would be to edit it from this image. However, it would strip the purpose of this post. Without …

Learning Contentment

Just pondering the kind of trade deals our Comrade in-chief is making with Mother Moskva. On today’s trip to the no longer Dollar store, I’m seeing another Russian product make it on the store’s almost empty shelves. Don’t get me wrong, the Russian Pomegranate drink was something else. However, it …