Showing: 1 - 4 of 9 RESULTS

Before I Met The Lord

We headed downtown to drop off my son to meet his friend. This vehicle was right in front of us and how very timely to see this the day before Resurrection Sunday. Freedom is very costly. Jesus Christ had to pay the price with His very life to save us …

The Melting Pot Of Abominations

She sits at the height of fame and opulence. All the world leaders- professing Christians and pagans alike recognize her authority. There is only one “Christian” Church who fits this description. Even to this day, she sits in her sovereign kingdom with universal subjects. Who is she? She is Ecclesia …

What’s Inside The House Comes Out

Day three in Black and White. I am beginning to miss the colors! The sun decided to come out today. On the way to the park, we passed through this apartment complex. They have units that look the same which were made with the same floor plan and different number …

The Sway

Knowing the True—Rejecting the False 18 We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him. 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of …