Showing: 13 - 16 of 16 RESULTS

A Faith Exercise

God gives us the general details of the trials we are going to face in life, but not knowing the specifics get the most of us (Mark 4:35-41). Jesus Calms the Storm  On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the …

Dry & Spent

It’s harvest time. It thrived in color for a short while.  The future lays dormant in something that appears lifeless but bound to bring about new life in due season. I twist and squeeze the flower head. What comes out of you when you feel squeezed, dry and spent? Anger? …

The Burden Of Waiting

Rarely does it ever occur where we sow seeds and expect to see something happen overnight. Most seeds are encased in a hard shell which takes time to soften for the new life inside to burst out into the open. Some takes a week to germinate, some two and other …

Hope for Tomorrow

Being “pruned” is such a time that can truly make or break a believer’s faith. In this case, my family happens to be undergoing such a process. I find it quite timely that we decide to go feed the birds at the park to remind us of an emphatic statement …